Friday, 15 November 2013

How is evil represented in the extract from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

After analyzing a scene from "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith", it is apparent that Lucas has utilised a number of techniques in order to create an evil/sinister ambiance. For example, the use of sombre lighting sense of foreboding leading up to the culmination of the scene.

The scene begins with the use of a low-angled shot to place emphasis on Mace Windu's authority, before revealing Palpatine who tries to engage in conversation with Windu, turning his back on the backdrop of the city. This signifies there is a side to the Chancellor that civilians of the city are unaware of, a sense of corruption. Palpatine is extremely agile - subverting the popular stereotype that older men are less mobile. This also reinforces how Palpetine is perceived as evil - this subversion renders him unpredictable and manifests his inquantifiable power. The use of high tempo, non-diegetic sounds (intense music) indicate to the consumer that the scene is building to a climax, and again, it creates a sense of foreboding for the veiwer.

Througout the scene, no natural light falls on Palpatine, only the artificial light of the city shines, agreeing with the notion that Palpatine is an ostensible and evil character. A two shot is used for the duration of the fight scene in order to include both parties (good and bad) and represent a clear binary opposite, of course, until the arrival of Anakin. Close ups are also used intermittently, manifesting the characters emotions during the fight.

After it is announced that Anakin will be influenced under Palpatine's tutelage, he is subsequently represented through a low angled shot. On the other hand, after this revelation, Palpatine is represented through the use of a high-angled shot. Dark music is then introduced to signify the implications of Anakin's transferral to the dark side - the use of these non-diegetic sounds reinforce the seriousness of the situation. After this revelation, the light dims further, and is filmed in a manner that makes conspicuous a scar on Anakin's face, which can be interpreted as a reference to evil.

Palpatine's posture (sitting) upon the arrival of Mace Windu and his respective authoritative bodies suggests he is physically inferior. His white hair and pale complexion connote that he is frail and aged, and that he may not deserve such retribution (as there is no evidence of his crimes before the scene). In essence, Palpatine  is not presented as the archetypical male protagonist, as he is positioned in order to be perceived as subordinate to those that surround him.

During a frenetic light saber duel, a window is fragmented - which creates a sense of foreboding, as the audience can expect a tragedy to occur in the moments building up to the culmination of the scene. After Mace Windu's murder, he spirals into the depths of the city - suggesting he has joined the civilians  who believe in the good, as the two arguably most evil characters are left in the building alive.