"The Godfather" (1972) opens with an authentic soundtrack known as 'The Godfather Waltz' in conjunction with a plain black background, which although sounds fairly mundane, is made ambiguous by the music. After accrediting the film production companies, an emblem is revealed that reads "Mario Puzzo's: The Godfather", above which a hand bearing a puppet string that attaches to the title, presumably a signifier that makes reference to the control the Corleone family hold over the city and how they are able to manipulate the law regardless of governing bodies.
The opening titles are reeled off slowly, building suspense combined with the background music (played elegantly on the accordion). A pause is then held on the plain black background, before dissolving into the opening scene - dark lighting coupled with the use of a close up. However, it must be stressed that film technology was still fairly inchoate and production teams suffered limited resources in 1972,
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